Mastering the Art of Pole Dance: The Importance of Proper Progression

by | Oct 2, 2024

Pole dancing is more than just a fitness activity—it’s a captivating art form that requires strength, grace, and patience. At Waikapu Danceworks, we believe in the power of progression to help students learn safely while building a strong foundation. With a step-by-step approach, students not only avoid injury but also improve their confidence and skill level over time. Here’s the recommended class order and why following this progression matters:

  1. Discover Pole/Nibbler Classes

For total beginners, our Discover Pole or Nibbler classes are the perfect introduction. These sessions focus on basic grips, spins, and body awareness, allowing students to get a feel for the pole in a relaxed environment. Starting here ensures a strong foundation while fostering confidence.

2. 6-Week Intro to Pole Series

Once comfortable with the basics, students move on to our 6-Week Intro to Pole Series. This phase builds on the fundamentals, incorporating more advanced spins, transitions, and light floor work. It’s also the time when students start developing the essential core strength required for climbing and holding their weight on the pole.

3. 4-Week Beginning Level 2 Climbs and Combos Series

In this series, students refine their climbing technique and start to string together movements in combos. Building strength and stamina is key at this stage. Mastering climbs opens the door to more complex moves and provides the strength needed for the next stages of pole progression.

4. Mixed-Level Pole or Choreo Classes (Also Open Pole)

At this stage, students are ready to explore choreography and routines that combine tricks, spins, and transitions. These mixed-level classes encourage creativity, allowing students to experiment with their personal style while continuing to refine technique. They’re also introduced to choreography elements, which become key for performance readiness.

Open Pole is a whole other thing! This is practice-only time, so no formal instruction is given. This is a time to practice what you know, work on your combos, and get a little extra strength training in–with that in mind, you will get the most out of this time if you have a srong foundation of pole moves to pull from. Ask us and we can tell you if you’re ready!

5. Heels Classes

Adding heels to pole dance routines brings a whole new layer of complexity, poise, and grace. Students in our Heels Classes focus on maintaining balance and flow while dancing in heels, learning how to perform with confidence. Heels classes also help students become more performance-oriented and aware of body lines.

6. 4-Week Laybacks and Inversion Series

The Laybacks and Inversion Series is an exciting milestone in pole dance training. This phase focuses on techniques that require significant core and upper body strength, like laybacks, inverted moves, and combinations performed upside-down. Proper instruction and progression are essential here to ensure safety and success. Students gain confidence and control in performing these advanced moves while building the muscular strength needed for even more complex tricks.

7. Spin Pole

In the Spin Pole series, students shift from static pole to a spinning one, which brings its own set of challenges and rewards. On a spinning pole, control, momentum, and flow are everything. Students will learn to combine strength with fluidity as they execute spins and tricks that demand precision and balance. This series allows dancers to elevate their routines to a new artistic level, adding elegance and dynamic movement to their pole dance practice.

Why Proper Progression Matters:

  • Safety First: Each level is carefully designed to ensure students develop the necessary strength, flexibility, and body awareness to perform tricks without injury. Moving too quickly can lead to strain or improper technique, making progression vital to long-term success.
  • Building Strength Gradually: Pole dancing demands a unique blend of upper body, core, and leg strength. Progressing through these levels ensures you build the stamina and muscle control required for advanced moves.
  • Boosting Confidence: Mastering one level before moving to the next allows students to see their own improvement. This natural progression helps build confidence while avoiding frustration from trying moves that are too advanced.
  • Creative Expression: Each stage introduces new skills that allow for greater creativity. Whether it’s adding choreography, spins, or inversions, students have the freedom to express themselves more fully with each new level they conquer.
  • Performance Readiness: By the time students reach Spin Pole and advanced inversion techniques, they are ready to put together polished, performance-ready routines. The gradual increase in difficulty ensures they’re prepared for any challenge on the pole.


At Waikapu Danceworks, our pole progression is about more than just learning tricks—it’s about helping our students build confidence, master technique, and discover their own unique style. Whether you’re just getting started or advancing to the stage, our structured approach will guide you every step of the way.

Ready to start your pole journey with us? Sign up today and explore the transformative power of pole dance, step by step!